We find AI in almost every sector, be it marketing, healthcare, retail, e-commerce, automotive, finance… and the list goes on. Very interestingly, AI is now making a bigger change in the education sector as well.

Like most debates, AI has two sections of people. One in favor of AI, and the other, you guessed it, against the use of AI technology. People who are against AI technology fear that AI will replace humans in the workplace, making half the global population jobless. 

The teacher and student relationship is sacrosanct; hence the thought that AI will replace this relation is not possible. AI in education is all about enhancing the teacher’s skills and the education system. 

Technologies such as augmented reality and virtual reality are already being used in many classrooms. Educators are familiar with how Artificial Intelligence in Education is adapting to the needs of the students. Teachers spend a lot of time in lesson planning, student assessment, record-keeping, grading, etc. Using AI for such tasks gives teachers more time to elevate themselves, strengthen their skills and focus more on educational instruction with students, improving the learning outcomes.

AI not only helps automate administrative tasks, but also expands our access to information, allowing us to connect better with each other.

Here are a few transformations and benefits of using Artificial Intelligence in the education Industry

#1 Student Analysis

AI is already helping students and teachers monitor and analyze student progress in real-time without the need to wait for a semester or annual exams. AI in the education system helps in preparation of customized learning courses, which is later aided by the teachers. Such courses prepared are based on student competencies and improvement areas.

The AI’s recommendation to teachers to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of education based on student analysis is remarkable. AI systems quickly adapt to each student’s individual learning needs and can target instructions based on their strengths and weaknesses, creating a meaningful learning experience for students.

#2 Administrative Tasks

As it is clear that most of the time, teachers’ are busy grading the students, managing assignments, preparing exam papers and lesson planning. The ability of AI to help with these mundane tasks allows teachers to spend more time with students and deliver a higher-quality lecture, discuss problems and solve queries. AI can be used to automate monotonous tasks like grading, preparing, or selecting questions for the papers, assessing students on their strengths and weaknesses.

#3 Intelligent tutoring systems (ITS)

Intelligent tutoring systems (ITS), also known as Intelligence Computer-Aided Instruction (ICAI), are computer programs that provide tutorial services to support learning. Artificial Intelligent based tutoring systems personalize instructions for students based on their knowledge and expertise on the subject.

The ITS program collects data about the students’ approach to problems, solutions, and the way they find answers. By learning, the system enhances the lessons and assessments.

Teachers need to get training on how to use computer programs because AI changes the goals and purpose of teaching and to make it more friendly, teachers need to simply enhance the pieces of their instruction and model for students on how to work with technology professionally.

#4 Learning Improvement

AI Learning Tools help increase the efficiency of the course with more personalization. Students are taught and made to work alongside Artificial Intelligence while encouraging them to learn AI and other IT skills that would decrease the current skills gap.

For employees, Artificial Intelligence tools can track an employee’s behaviour; predict learning trends, and offer personalized learning recommendations based on past activity. This helps employees get detailed AI analytics, and provide targeted training to enhance employee skills for a particular role.

Such functions of AI are just the basics, which will slowly improve with time. The significant AI impact will be on a personalized learning experience based on the individuals’ knowledge, feedback, and needs. AI will enhance the skills of the trainer and the learner improving the experience and opportunities for both individuals.

The MindWave AI platform provides automated student assessment, adaptive testing and suggestive personalized study material. Our AI platform is revolutionizing the EdTech industry.